Monday 11 August 2008

First Step Towards Switching Off Breast Cancer And Leukaemia

�Australian scientists have identified a elbow room to 'switch off' a molecule, a
key thespian in the molecular processes that trigger breast cancer and certain
forms of leukaemia.

The molecule, known as Gab2, operates downstream of a major breast cancer
oncogene, HER2, the target of the drug Herceptin.

A research team from the Garvan Institute of Medical Research, lED by
Professor Roger Daly, has base a novel way of blocking signals to and from
Gab2, preventing it from fulfilling its role in cell proliferation. The
finding is published online in the EMBO Journal.

In 2002, Professor Daly identified the important persona of Gab2 in breast
cancer. His task since then has been to work out exactly how Gab2 functions,
and how to halt it.

"Gab2 is a signalling protein, which substance that it's involved in
transmitting signals from the cell airfoil to the interior of the cell,
instructing it to do specific things, such as divide or migrate" he said.

"Gab2 performs a number of signalling roles in normal cells throughout the
body, and is usually switched off when it's not needed. Our task has been to
work out how the body switches off Gab2, so that we can mimic that process
in abnormal cells."

"We've identified a completely novel mechanics for shift off Gab2. This
uses another molecule that attaches to Gab2 and acts as a kind of shield,
preventing it from transmitting farther proliferative signals."

"This binding partner, or 'off switch', is called 14-3-3, and is put-upon to
disenable Gab2 in a number of cellular settings, when it is no yearner needed."

"As Gab2 plays key roles in signalling systems that underpin both normal
physiological responses and oncogenesis, it's very important to read
its restraint mechanisms."

"Our next step will be to obtain more structural information about how
14-3-3 shields Gab2. Once we know that, it should be possible to design
drugs to combat Gab2-activated diseases in novel ways."

About Garvan

The Garvan Institute of Medical Research was founded in 1963. Initially a
research department of St Vincent's Hospital in Sydney, it is straight off one of
Australia's largest medical enquiry institutions with approximately cd
scientists, students and living staff. Garvan's main research programs ar:
Cancer, Diabetes & Obesity, Immunology and Inflammation, Bone, and
Neuroscience. Garvan's missionary post is to make pregnant contributions to
medical science that will change the directions of science and medicine and
have major impacts on human health. The result of Garvan's discoveries is
the growth of better methods of diagnosis, treatment, and finally,
prevention of disease.

The Garvan Institute of Medical Research

View do drugs information on Herceptin.

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